Why Do You Need Active Sitting


Nowadays, we do a lot of sedentary work during the day, from sitting driving to work, to sitting for working. Countless researches have shown that sitting for too long hurts your body, causing you to have joint pains, neck pains, and increased fatigue, even more serious, it may contribute to a whole range of illnesses, from diabetes to heart disease.  That's why now standing desks have become more and more popular in the workplace. More and more people choose to work standing up instead of sitting down. There is no doubt that standing certainly has its benefits, but standing all the time increases fatigue. So why not try some active sitting to reap the benefits? 

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1. What is Active Sitting?


Active sitting is also referred to as dynamic sitting, which means that you can move your body continually while sitting. When sitting actively, your body will be constantly engaged, no matter your back or core muscles. Instead of traditional ergonomics trying to lock the body into a perfect position, active sitting supports the body in a natural posture for extra comfort.



2. Why Active Sitting?


Active sitting has been gradually recognized to reduce the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Compared to traditional sitting, active sitting has more benefits.


Conventional Sitting VS. Active Sitting



3. How to Achieve Active Sitting?


There are many options to incorporate active sitting in your workplace. The following lists a few common active seats, you can choose the one that works best for you to achieve active sitting.


Wobble Stool

Excercise Ball Kneeling Chair
(1) Wobble Stools (2) Exercise Balls (3) Kneeling Chairs

One of the forms of active sitting is the wobble stool. A wobble stool is a special stool that allows you to rock, rotate and pivot while keeping balance, which makes your body dynamic at any moment. Its wobble design also brings more fun, and most of them are height adjustments so that it is suitable for people of different heights.

An exercise ball is traditionally used in exercises to improve physical coordination, but now numbers of people use it in place of chairs. This is a fun solution to active sitting, as you must keep your muscles constantly engaged to keep balance while sitting on it. Through exercise balls, you can improve posture and increase calorie burn.

Kneeling chair is a type of chairs that looks weird and complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it will be simple. It is meant to reduce lower back strain by dividing the burden of weight between legs and hips, perfect for people with tailbone pain resulting from sitting too long.


If you can't stand sitting for periods, why not try active sitting? It is fun and makes you more focused and productive. But remember that active sitting isn’t suitable for all-day use! Everyone is different, you can switch between standing, sitting and active sitting to find your desired position.